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ECOWAS Ministers of Mining and Hydrocarbons adopt Community Texts to Harmonise and Enhance the Geo-Extractive Sector in the Region.

The Joint Ministerial meeting held in Dakar, Senegal highlighted that the Community Texts they will be reviewing have been developed with the objective of harmonizing and coordinating Member States policies and programmes in the fields of Energy and Natural resources as enjoin by Article 28 and 31 of the ECOWAS Revised Treaty,

Mr Sédiko Douka, Commissioner for Infrastructure, Energy & Digitalization of the ECOWAS Commission indicated that these Texts will contribute to a well-organized, minimally varied, optimally developed and mainstreamed geo-extractives sector in general, and an integrated, effective and efficient energy sector.

Mr Ibrahima Gueye, Secretary General of the Ministry of Mines and Geology, of the Republic of Senegal, representing the Minister of Mines and Geology and the Minister of Petroleum and Energy expressed that “ECOWAS region is richly endowed with mining and petroleum resources, often world class, but still remains poor of its natural resources”, he thus maintained that effective exploitation of these vast resources will mark an indelible change in the region.


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