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Guinea’s FNDC Opposes Extension of Transition

Issue Brief # 02.05.24

Date: 23.05.2024

The Issue:

At a conference on Tuesday 21st May 2024, the National Front for the Defence of the Constitution (FNDC) reiterated its firm stance against any potential extension of the ongoing military-led transition beyond the set deadline of 31st December. Ibrahima Diallo, the FNDC’s operations lead and spokesperson, emphasized the organization’s resolute opposition to prolonging the transition under Mamadi Doumbouya’s leadership. He unequivocally stated, “We say no to this ambition. And as we did during Alpha Condé’s third term saga, we are prepared to resist any attempts at extending the transition period.” Diallo further elucidated that the FNDC is initiating a comprehensive consultation process encompassing all stakeholders such as political entities, trade unions, civil society organizations, journalists and conscientious citizens. This collaboration aims to forge a unified front to thwart any efforts aimed at prolonging the transition indefinitely.

Even though the President, Mamadi Doumbouya, has not issued any statement regarding a prolongation of the transition beyond 31st December, the FNDC and several sections of the Guinean Citizenry seem to be prepared to mobilize against any development to that effect.

The FNDC is a citizen’s coalition and movement in the Republic of Guinea comprising various political parties, civil society groups, and trade unions. Its commitment is aimed at protecting constitutional order, democratic principles and guaranteeing citizen participation in the governance of the country, in opposition to any unelected or undemocratic regime.

WACSOF’s Call to Action:

  1. Urge the Guinea Military Junta to respect the constitution and the will of the people by not prolonging the on-going political transition beyond the stipulated 31st December 2024 time limit.
  2. Calls for continued collaboration and consultation among all citizens’ groups in Guinea to collectively resist any attempts to extend the political transition against the will of the people.
  3. Urge that any actions to be taken in response to alleged attempts to extend the political transition should remain peaceful, in line with democratic norms, and that dialogue remains the preferred path to resolving disagreements. It is essential to maintain stability and peace during this critical period of transition in Guinea.

WACSOF will continue to monitor the evolving situation in Guinea and provide updates on any developments related to the transition process as events unfold.

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