The West African Civil Society Forum (WACSOF) organised a 2 day training on African Governance Architecture for West African Youths. The training which was held on 6th and 7th April in Abuja, Nigeria was aimed at developing the potential of young people as drivers of change, raise their awareness and foster their understanding and engagement with the ACDEG.
The Training was also targeted at creating a youth movement actively involved in local and national awareness raising, mobilization and campaign activities focused on demanding for the implementation of the AGA and ACDEG.
Youth Leaders who participated at the event pledged to take the training down to their various countries for other youths to benefit from. They also promised to create more awareness on AGA and ACDEG.
Two Youth Groups that participated at the Training have carried out step down trainings. YALI Network Abuja had a training on the 14th of April, 2018 for its members and 61 youths were in attendance. Activista also had a Youth Training on 28th April 2018, and 54 youths were in attendance. These step-down trainings also led to the increase in awareness and number of CSOs advocating for the implementation of the AGA and ACDEG.
28 Youth Leaders (11 Females and 17 Males) that benefited from the training were drawn from five West African countries which includes Nigeria, Ghana, Côte D’Ivoire, Liberia and Benin.