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WACSOF and WIDALF AO Join Forces to Combat Child Marriage and Empower Women Farmers in West Africa

On the 4th of June 2024, a pivotal partnership meeting between West African Civil Society Organizations Forum (WACSOF) and Women in Law and Development in Africa — Afrique de l’Ouest (WIDALF AO) took place, shining a light on regional advocacy projects aimed at eradicating child marriage in West Africa and empowering women farmers in Burkina Faso. The meeting, graced by Mrs. Kafui Adjamagbo, the Coordinator of WIDALF AO, marked a significant moment as she expressed WIDALF AO’s eagerness to rekindle its bond with WACSOF, an organization she had been instrumental in founding and leading as the 1st President.

During the event, the WIDALF AO’s Program Officer, Mrs. Affiwa Aveali Aziabru, detailed the advocacy initiatives undertaken by WIDALF in Togo and Mali over the past two years, with the successful creation of “Girls not Bride” movement focusing on capacity building, mobilization, and awareness campaigns targeted at empowering young girls and involving multiple stakeholders, including media, civil society organizations, and influencers in advocating for the rights and well-being of the girl child.

One of the key highlights was the plan to expand these advocacy efforts regionally by engaging the ECOWAS Commissioner in charge of gender issues to support the ECOWAS roadmap for ending child marriage. WIDALF AO’s active participation in shaping and implementing this roadmap positions them as key players in driving its sustainable execution, with WACSOF being identified as a valuable partner in this endeavour.


The advocacy project encompasses a strategic three-step approach, starting with meetings with the ECOWAS Commissioner on gender issues, followed by consultations with women and child rights organizations based in Abuja, and culminating in a press conference to amplify the message. A forthcoming technical meeting is slated to delve into crucial details such as concept notes, budget allocations, agendas, and attendance at the upcoming conference in Abuja, all aimed at ensuring the success of the project.

The General Secretary of WACSOF, Mr. Kop’ep Dabugat, expressed the organization’s firm support and readiness to collaborate with WIDALF AO on the project, leveraging its past experiences in combating child marriage to advance the cause.

Additionally, the empowerment program for women farmers in Burkina Faso, funded by Oxfam, underscored the commitment to amplifying the voices of local women involved in milk production. The advocacy’s core focus on securing land ownership rights and access to credit for women farmers highlighted a crucial step towards fostering their economic autonomy and growth. The plan to extend this advocacy to the regional level, coupled with engaging the ECOWAS Commissioners on gender issues and on agriculture, spoke to the ambitious yet necessary goals set forth by the partnership.

The meeting not only set the groundwork for collaborative endeavors between WACSOF and WIDALF AO but also underlined the shared vision of driving impactful advocacy initiatives. In essence, it served as a cornerstone for future collaborative efforts and paved the way for transformative advocacy projects that aim to better the lives of women and child in West Africa. The meeting concluded with a symbolic photo session.

Download Report of WACSOF and WIDALF AO Partnership Meeting, pdf Below
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