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WACSOF Featured in Vanguard Article: WACSOF, CISLAC, and TMG warn against the disintegration of ECOWAS

We are pleased to share that WACSOF was recently featured in a Vanguard article titled “CISLAC, TI, WACSOF warn against disintegration of ECOWAS”. The article highlighted ‘WACSOF’s Participation in ensuring Unity in Response to ECOWAS Withdrawals‘ as WACSOF, along with other civil society organizations, urges ECOWAS for a united front in West Africa following the withdrawal announcements from Mali, Burkina Faso, and Niger.

We are grateful to Vanguard for recognizing WACSOF’s work in various thematic areas like;

  1. Regional Integration: WACSOF is actively involved in promoting regional integration efforts within West Africa.
  2. Peace and Security: The organization works to maintain peace and stability in the region.
  3. Democracy and Governance: WACSOF advocates for democratic values and good governance practices across West African nations.

This exposure allows us to reach a wider audience and raise awareness about WACSOF advocacy for a strong and unified ECOWAS, highlighting the benefits of regional cooperation in areas like:

  • Peacekeeping: Joint military missions to ensure regional security.
  • Economic Growth: Free movement of goods and people to boost trade.
  • Infrastructure Development: Collaborative efforts on projects like dams and power grids.

[Optional: Include a quote from a WACSOF representative]

Quote by The WACSOF General Secretary Mr. Kop’ep Dabugat: “The decision by Mali, Burkina Faso, and Niger to withdraw from ECOWAS is disheartening. At a time when we’re discussing a single market, disintegration weakens the entire region. We urge these countries to reconsider and refocus on dialogue to strengthen ECOWAS for a more peaceful and prosperous West Africa.”


In conclusion, WACSOF, alongside CISLAC and TI, urge for regional unity and a commitment to democratic processes as we caution against the fracturing of ECOWAS and the potential hardships it would cause. We at WACSOF appreciate Vanguard Newspaper for providing a platform to share these concerns.

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