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WACSOF Congratulates Liberia on Successful Presidential Runoff Election

ABUJA – On November 20, 2023, the West African Civil Society Forum (WACSOF) extends its warmest felicitations to the people of Liberia on the successful conduct of the presidential runoff election. This momentous event marks a significant milestone in the consolidation of democracy in Liberia and sets an inspiring example for the region and beyond.

WACSOF commends the Liberian people for their unwavering commitment to upholding democratic principles in the electoral process. The high turnout and peaceful nature of the election reflects the aspirations of Liberians for transparent and accountable governance.

We applaud, particularly, the spirit of sportsmanship displayed by former football star and current President Mr. George Weah, who conceded defeat with grace and dignity to his opponent Mr. Joseph Boakai, even before all the results were completely tallied. He has set a powerful example for leaders across the entire continent and West Africa in particular.

WACSOF congratulates President-elect Mr. Joseph Boakai on his victory. We express our confidence in his ability to lead Liberia and work diligently towards the realization of the aspirations of the Liberian people. We encourage President-elect Boakai to, when sworn-in, adopt an inclusive and unifying approach in build a better future for all of Liberia’s citizens.

We also commend the Liberian electoral institutions for their professionalism, transparency, and dedication in ensuring a free, fair, and credible electoral process. Their tireless efforts in organizing a successful election have contributed in no small measure to preserving the sanctity and integrity of the democratic process in Liberia.

WACSOF holds up the peaceful elections in Liberia as a shining example and calls on all West African nations to emulate Liberia’s commitment to democracy, electoral integrity, and peaceful political transitions. By upholding these core values, we can collectively foster stability, good governance, and socioeconomic development throughout the continent.

Further, WACSOF urges the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) to continue to work closely with the military Juntas in the republics of Burkina Faso, Guinea, Mali and Niger towards restoring democratic order in these countries. In line with the ECOWAS Vision 2050, ECOWAS should continue its efforts in addressing terrorism, humanitarian challenges, poverty and climate change, which are currently ravaging these countries.

Kop’ep K Dabugat

General Secretary, WACSOF


Mobile: +234(0)8036523475

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